Vickey Wollan – Sweet Romance Writer from Volusia County Florida has a Christmas Romance Collection of sweet romances coming out in November. She has a very active newsletter that is filled with great information including romance stories from other authors who are running specials that month. She is always a welcomed guest on our websites and has even participated in Jolene’s Book and Writers Talk Podcast. She is a prolific Limerick creator as well. She posts a new one on each of her newsletters. The bring a smile to the face. She may even look into creating a book of her Limerick collections.
Brief Bio
Vickey Wollan has written for business publications but is excited to embark on her long-awaited romance writing journey. Having a good run in the corporate world prepared her to become an entrepreneur in creativity and relaxation. Her stories are designed to transport readers to a less stressful portion of their day and leave them with a feeling of awe. Her work is now published in six fiction books including a completed three-novel series.
Vickey’s first book was a single-copy publication as part of a public elementary school project. While not the fastest reader, she still enjoyed immersing herself in good novels growing up. She hopes to pay homage to the authors who inspired her and respect her fans’ highly sought-after commodity of time by providing a satisfying reading experience.
The Christmas season is the backdrop of Vickey’s first series because most people allow their inner child to roam and their innate generosity to ooze at that time of year. Couple that mind-frame with a snowy small town and folks feel comforted. She has now branched out beyond holiday stories, but her writing will remain sweet and clean.
Originally from Ohio, she moved to Florida in the late Eighties. Central Florida is sometimes called Hollywood East where the waves and palm trees are amazing. But, there’s something about a white Christmas that fills her heart with joy. The use of imagination surrounds her and she will draw from it as her characters come to life in plots that will keep readers guessing, but leave them with a happily ever after.
With a background in healthcare and wellness she hopes to intertwine her past skills with her longing to write in a way that sooths the nerves and reminds folks there is still good to be found in our fast-paced world. Vickey and her husband have traveled to many National Parks. She will use her platform to promote our country’s national treasures and the invitation they give sightseers to rejuvenate.
Books She has Published
Snowflake Christmas
Snowflake Christmas – The Nutcracker
Snowflake Christmas – The Elf
Snowflake Christmas – The Series – Purchase All three!
A Cheery Christmas Collection This sweet collection includes:
● Lainey Shea’s Christmas Treasure Quest – young adult – A romantic adventure ensues when teens search for a prized family heirloom.
● An Elf’s Challenge – mystical – Catch a glimpse of the North Pole where feuding elfin families collide until Santa steps in to save a romance.
● A Secret Santa Surprise – young adult – A high school holiday gift exchange brings two opposites together as more than just friends.
● Becoming a Reindeer – paranormal – The process is more complicated than you’d ever imagine when reindeer fall in love.
● The Christmas Ornaments’ Gift – mystical – Magical ornaments are the gift that ignites a romantic Christmas flame.
● The Gingerbread House – contemporary – It’s a baking competition. If they don’t find a way to work together, neither contestant stands a chance at winning the contest or each other.
● Charity at Christmas – contemporary – Can being charitable bring prosperity that drives an unlikely couple toward each other?
Lainey Shea’s Treasure Quest: The Silver Beaver Tokens – Available May 7, 2024
Romancing the Holidays Volume 1
Romancing the Holidays Volume 2
Romancing the Holidays Volume 3
Romancing the Tropics
Contact the Authors
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Interview Questions
What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
Oh my, Venus and Mars. It’s too easy to fall into a trap of writing the hero based on the way the author would react. No, no and no! Guys think differently and may have different goals in any situation. First, I think about the scene based on the character’s architype. A chief versus a best friend character would react differently. Then I sprinkle in the personal attribute of the character I created. Lastly, I think about how men I know would behavior. What would they say. Female authors can as needed tap into their testosterone side.
Do you Google yourself?
Of course! I’m not being vain. Anyone with a public persona needs to keep track of how they are being portrayed in cyber space. For example, I found out someone is selling my first published book A Snowflake Christmas as used on eBay in the UK. It may be an individual reader or a book store. At first, I was miffed. Then I sat back and decided I should be flattered. The eBay asking price wasn’t seriously undercutting my new paperback book price, and if the buyer liked my work hopefully, they’d search me out and buy more. If an author doesn’t have a lengthy digital footprint, they need to increase the time they spend on marketing their products.
Join in on the Fun
If you or someone you know lives or works in the North Florida region and has published a book or three and would like a little Free publicity then check out the Information page – CLICK HERE and lets get you scheduled.