Dr. Pamela Grey – St Johns County Writer

5 min read

Dr. Pamela Grey was kind enough to join me on my Jolene’s Book and Writers Talk Podcast as a guest. She is a St. Johns County Florida Non-Fiction writer. We spoke about her first published book called “Power Your Decisions Self Study Workshop” which she created as a guide to the 1968 Book by Dr. Raymond Charles Barker called “The Power of Decision – A personal journey to discover how you train yourself into making better and better decisions for your life.

We also spoke about her publishing preferences, the need for an author newspaper, her next book she is working on and a few more things you might enjoy. CLICK HERE TO VIEW the entire video interview or you can listen to it on Spotify, Apple, Amazon Music, Google Podcast and even IHeartRadio.


Website: https:///www.poweryourdecisions.com
Email: contact@poweryourdecisions.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrPamelaGrey
Don’t Forget to Subscribe to Her Free Monthly Newsletter “Better Ideas For Better Decisions” on the front page of her website

Interview Questions

1. When did you first call yourself a writer?

When I realized I wanted to update and contemporize a book that changed my life. This book was, The Power of Decision, by Dr. Raymond Charles Barker (1968). When an author passes away and their material can no longer be shared or presented by the author, newer generations of readers who – like me – wanted to learn how to make their best decisions, were left to fend for themselves. Well, I said, “I can do something about that! I can help new generations, who need lots of guidance, to make a better life through better decisions!” So, I went about writing a self-study workbook to teach everyone how to learn much of the great material he taught but never explained. Where my contributions to his work came in is I illustrated his key points with my own examples and many insights I had learned. I also relied on my own life experiences as well as years of classes and a professional license as a Spiritual Coach for the Centers For Spiritual Living. I read Dr. Barker’s book through the lens of all my own training and coursework as well as applying his wisdom and truth’s about how universal spiritual principles work. Having been trained in adult education, I knew how to take his concepts and ideas and make them understandable to today’s audiences. It took me 3-years to complete my workbook to teach anyone willing to learn how to make a lifetime of greater decisions that would change their lives for the better.

2. What is a significant way your book has changed since the first draft?

I started writing my workbook for audiences already familiar with New Thought terminology and people who would have taken classes from leading spiritual thinkers who were the greats of New Thought. But I woke up one day after writing my workbook for more than a year and had a HUGE REVELATION. I was writing for the wrong audience!!!! When I did the math, there where millions of people who had never had the opportunity to study these concepts and ideas – the ones that had changed my life so greatly. So, I felt a very big responsibility if I was going to do this, it had to be for a much bigger audience. I wanted to educate anyone willing to complete this self-study that they too – like me – could change their thinking and thus change their lives for the better. And in the end, my workbook was much better, a true and complete study, complete with vocabulary section, special assessments, and lots of useful exercises to help people on their journey to a better life. I gave them a roadmap to success, if you will.

3. What is the best money you’ve ever spent with regard to your writing?

Attending the Florida Writers Association annual conference in Altamonte Springs, Florida in 2018. I was a new writer with a workbook that was far from finished. But at that conference I met accomplished writers, book editors, publishers, and a whole host of knowledgeable people ready and willing to offer me their expertise, their ideas and help me work toward my goal of publishing my workbook. And once I did, 3 years later my workbook won a Bronze Award for best educational material at the Royal Palms Award statewide competition. I am confident without all the support and offering of great, professional guidance, my workbook would never have achieved such a distinguished award.

4. If you had the power to cure a disease of your choosing, what would it be?

Yes, I believe I already have the cure for one disease, the dis-ease of complacency.
Too many people suffer from it and live in dead-end lives. They never truly experience a greater life or make better decisions. I have the cure for that – my Power Your Decisions Self-Study Workbook. All it takes is a little effort, time, and deliberation to complete and your life can be transformed by the renewing of your mind. I have given every person a roadmap for greater personal success. I should know. For 3 decades I have proven to myself, it works!

Join in on the Fun

If you or someone you know lives or works in the North Florida region and has published a book or three and would like a little Free publicity then check out the Information page CLICK HERE and lets get you scheduled.

jolenemac66 https://websandblogsforwriters.com

I am a retired medical office worker who sold everything, bought an old RV and began traveling around the state of Florida with her mother and youngest daughter. My mother has since passed and I work on my books, blogs and websites in the rural quiet of Suwannee County Florida.

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