Armand Rosamilia is a New Jersey boy currently living in sunny Florida, where he writes when he’s not sleeping. He’s happily married to a woman who helps his career and is supportive, which is all he ever wanted in life…
He’s written over 150 stories that are currently available, including horror, zombies, contemporary fiction, thrillers and more. His goal is to write a good story and not worry about genre labels.
He not only runs two successful podcasts…
Arm Cast: Dead Sexy Horror Podcast – interviewing fellow authors as well as filmmakers, musicians, etc.
The Mando Method Podcast with co-host Chuck Buda – talking about writing and publishing
But he owns the network they’re on, too! Project Entertainment Network
He also loves to talk in the third person…because he’s really that cool.
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List of Published Books
Dirty Deeds 1-8 (crime thrillers)
Chelsea Avenue 1-3 (supernatural thrillers)
Dying Days 1-9 (zombies)
Belford Stories 1-4 (contemporary fiction)
A View From My Seat (baseball nonfiction)
The Beast (Bigfoot novella)
Green River Blend (3 Book Series)
Flagler Beach Fiction Series Complete
Metal Queens Complete
And many, many more!
Published in 2020
Frozen in Ice – June 2020
Author Interview
What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
I’m friends with a lot of writers, especially in the horror community. Having been immersed in it in varying degrees for the last thirty years, I’ve met a lot of great people in this business. I don’t want to name-drop a couple of pages, so I’ll stick to a couple that has truly helped me become a better writer: Chuck Buda, who is my co-host on The Mando Method Podcast. We talk about writing and publishing, and he’s inspired me each and every episode to be the best writer I can be. Author Jay Wilburn is another phenomenal author who pushes the boundaries with writing by being so prolific, focused and helpful whenever I have a question or just need to talk shop for a while. I could name a hundred more inspirational authors, which is truly an amazing thing when you think about it.
Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?
I used to. Every review was gold, no matter it if was a good or bad review. Except, about five years ago, I stopped reading them. It’s a character flaw in me that I take every review to heart, even the good ones. If the review said my book was good and my characters very good, I’d fret over why my story wasn’t also very good. Things like that in my head. Reviews that spoil the book by giving a synopsis of the plot bothered me, too. Reviews that were very negative and yet gave four or five stars bothered me. In short… it all started to bother me. I dwelled too much on the reviews. I realized I would never be able to please everyone and I needed to stop worrying about it and just write the next best story I could. I now say… no good can come of reading reviews. Some authors disagree with me. That’s fine. While reviews are so necessary to gain new readers, the reviews are for the readers, not the authors.
Does your family support your career as a writer?
Very much so, especially my wife. She goes to most of my book signings and she’ll handle the money and setting up the table so the books look neat and organized and easy to sell. She’ll beta read most of my books and tell me what I need to fix before I can send it to other beta readers and the editor. She listens to my stories about what I did during the day, what I wrote, will help me to talk through a part of a story I’m stuck at, and so much more. My mother is also my biggest fan. She’s the reason I started writing horror in the first place because she shared her love of reading and horror when I was a kid. She asks me a lot of questions and loves to hear my stories about my successes.
Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?
When I first started writing seriously I just tried to write a good story. Over the last eight years of writing full-time, I’ve come to realize I’d created a shared mythos for my work. Some of the locations have been used several times, mostly in New Jersey (where I was born) and Florida (where I’ve lived for the past twenty years), and there are sometimes a few cameos of other characters in other books as well as villains. You can read each stand-alone book or series on their own, but a few readers have picked up on the fact I add teasers and hints in other books about the world I’ve created. It’s also fun to drop them in from time to time to see if anyone is paying attention, and for my own personal amusement.
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