Carrol Wolverton – Duval County Florida Writer
Cross J.D. Salinger’s “Catcher in the Rye” with Eudora Welty’s sharp insight into the dynamics of Southern family life and the result would be Carol Wolverton’s stunning novel, “Freud in St. Augustine.”
Amazon Author Profile:
Brief Biography
An old master’s level English Major, I have degrees from Valdosta State University and Dominican College. I also earned enough graduate credits in counseling to achieve my CRC (Certified Rehabilitation Counselor} status. My background includes teaching, real estate broker, and more than one counseling position. I am totally self-published and have used several of the publishing venues, particularly CreateSpace. Self-publishing sites have become easier to use as they refine and improve their platforms.
I have ceased actively writing since I had a life-threatening illness a couple of years ago, but I have a great experience, which I’m willing to share. My income from averages around twenty dollars per month. I also review books for
My best advice to would-be authors is beware, beware. There are stacks of charlatans out there, all wanting your money. Most self-publishing may be done at relatively low cost using online websites. This doesn’t mean you don’t seek an agent to professionally publish. I was just never successful. It helps to be an attorney, male. and working on your PhD.
It’s almost impossible to proofread and find all your own typos and errors. Use friends, relatives, and fellow writers to critique your work. Yes, you do risk negative feedback. One of my worst told me the book was worth the 99 cents she paid for it. If you are going to pay for anything, pay for proofing. Even “experts” make mistakes – that you pay for. Your own photos make great covers.
My best advice to authors is to hit “Save” after every page or whenever you stop for a while. If you can set your computer to do this automatically, this is even better.
The next best advice is to plan a half-hour writing each day at the same time. The time is the best time of the day, say 8 a.m. As often as not, I will still be at the computer writing four hours later. If it’s a half-hour day that you’ll erase tomorrow, that’s okay.
Freud in St. Augustine: A Novel of Homelessness and Wealth in the Nation’s Oldest City – 2014 (my best book)
Raylaina, The Story of a Teen With An Abusive Boyfriend – 2013
Boston Basement – 2012
Sex, Lies and Real Estate: a novel of the real estate industry – 2006
Back Bay Boston Basement – 2004
Living Cheap & Loving it for Seniors – What’s the Green Stuff in Spaghetti? 2015
Method Weight Management 2 – How Not to Be a Fat Cat – 2013
Method Weight Management – A Common Sense Approach to Weight Loss – 2009
Living Cheap and Loving it – Tomatoes in the Flower Bed – 2008
Serious Survivor Skills for Single Parents – 2001
Interestingly, nobody has ever questioned typos or errors in the non-fiction
Interview Questions
Does writing energize or exhaust?
Writing exhilarates me. It makes me feel alive and worthwhile. Yes, there are lots of authors out there, but we are still members of a select group. Even if you write your autobiography or the biography of a notable relative and self-publish, this is still a great achievement.
Common traps for aspiring writers?
Procrastination is a big one. Not making an outline or notes as you begin and move along is another. These can be revised, lengthened, redone, etc. You need to know who you gave what name, their background, characteristics, and flaws. Critical flaws make interesting characters.
Along the same lines, some authors use too similar names. The last published book I reviewed had two people named Mike. The second was Michael. The same goes for Matt, Mitchell, Manny, Mark, Mork, etc.
Reader’s block?
If this happens, the book goes into the donate pile early. This is tough if you’ve paid $24 for the hard copy, but even Janet Evanovich can turn out a clunker once in a while. What to do? Buy used. Buy from garage sales or Goodwill. And yes, we have Chamblin’s Bookmine and more.
Does each book stand on its own?
Yes, I wanted each book to be a complete story.
What would I choose as my avatar or spirit animal?
None, however, I can see in retrospect how animals, particularly dogs, could have added and strengthened at least two of my novels. Animals sense things people don’t such as bad weather or bad people.
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