We are scheduling help sessions with a writer by county over the next 2 to 3 weeks. We have been trying to coordinate schedules for help sessions for those writers who are not familiar with social media, website design or taking a video of yourself. Beginning with Columbia County Florida writers on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, from 9:00 am in the Columbia County Library located downtown. I will be there until around 4:00 pm but you will need to contact me for an appointment. So far I have one for 10:30, 11:00, 11:30 and 12:00 noon. I have posted notices on all the Columbia County Florida Facebook groups that I belong to and hope to get enough responses to schedule out the day.
Columbia County Public Library
308 NW Columbia Ave
Lake City, FL
(386) 758-2101
I will be scheduling other help sessions for writers in Alachua County Florida for the authors in the Gainesville areas at their Millhopper Branch library set tentatively for Thursday, February 6, 2020, from around 9:30 am to around 3:30 pm. Any published writer that is participating in the 300 North Florida Writers Blog tour can come by and I will take a quick video. Please be ready to answer one of the 50 questions from the list and dress appropriately. You do not have to be all formal but just presentable.
Millhopper Branch Library
3145 NW 43rd St
Gainesville, FL
(352) 334-1272
We will be working on scheduling events in other counties as soon as possible. Currently, we would like to have published writers in Columbia County to come on by the Millhopper Branch Library. We have made arrangements to be at this library on February 6, 2020, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please email me to arrange times. For those writers working during the regular workdays, we can make other arrangements please let me know. During the sessions, we will create your video and start filling out your featured article form.
For Those Not Needing Assistance
If you want to participate and do not require any assistance please view the information on our Writer’s Help Page. Type up your own feature and submit it along with a publicity picture using our online form. You can download a copy of the Form along with the Questions to print out and write up your responses prior to submitting it online. If you use WORD you can type in your answers on the *.docx file and email it to us directly “NorthFloridaWritersTour@jolenesbooksandmore.com“.