Ruth Nott is a long time resident of Chiefland, Florida, and a poet. She is a lovely woman who participated in our, not so great, Local Author Event, at the Chiefland Farmers Flea Market last year. We shared a tent together in the breezy, chilly morning. But she was game and talked to everyone who came out.
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Brief Biography
Ruth Nott, retired, of Chiefland, FL has found poetry to be a valued part of her life. Her poetry reflects her faith and values, a deep love for God, and family with a touch of humor thrown in. Her work has been published in various anthologies, small press magazines, Poetry Canada magazine, The Quilter magazine, The Joy of Living Poetry Collection by Hazel Street Publications, Sea Oats Review, Mahogany and Molasses, Verse-a-tility, Anthologies of the Florida State Poets Assoc., Inc., Of Poets and Poetry, The Easterner, various other newsletters, and several poetry websites, blogs, and groups as well as her own fifteen books of self-published poetry and three books for children. Ruth states “I lay no claim to expertise in poetry. What I write comes from the heart or a lively imagination, written quickly or with lengthy thought and intense examination. It just comes. It is what it is.”
Published Books
Poetry Books
A Pure and Simple Faith – 2005
Crazy Patch – 2007
Haiku for Lovers – 2007
Where Memory Lingers – 2007
Garden of Faith – 2007
After the Rain – 2010
Here on My Knees – 2011
All There Is – 2012
Idle Thoughts – 2013
Prompt Response – Poems of 2013
Prompt Response: Poems of 2014
Ramblin On – Poems of 2015
Just Do It!: The Poems of 2016
All There Is – Vol. II: A Collection of Spiritual and Inspirational Poetry from the Author’s Previous Books – 2012-2019
Children’s Books
New Friend – True Friend – 2015
A Mouse in the House: A Whimsical Tale of the Mice Who Helped Mary with the Birth of Baby Jesus – 2015
JitteryJackrabbits: And Other Short Stories for Children – 2016
Anthologies and Contributors
Family Matters:Anthology – 2006
Channels of Verse: Suwannee River Poets – 2009
1. Have you ever gotten reader’s block?
Now there’s a term I’ve not heard before, although, I’ve often heard of writer’s block. Yes, I guess you could say I’ve had reader’s block, not because I didn’t know what I wanted to read, or didn’t have access to anything to read, or didn’t like any of the books currently available. If I’m not reading, it’s because life gets in the way. I’m suddenly so busy on one project or another that I just don’t take time to read.
2. Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?
Yes, but it never happened. I once had several rather racy short stories which I considered putting together in a book, but my better judgment won out and they ended up being trashed.
3. Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
Being a poet, it seems everything is original and personal and often coming from some galaxy far, far away. I write from my own thoughts and feelings and point of view. I call my poetry eclectic because it is so varied in content and form.
Many of my poems are Christian, faith-based, and heartfelt. I’ve often sat in church and started writing a poem on the back of my bulletin when I heard a particular idea or turn of a phrase from the pulpit that spurred my desire to praise or share God’s word.
4. What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
I don’t know many published authors personally. Many years ago I joined a poetry group here in Chiefland led by a wonderful lady named Sandy Fink. Sandy kept us inspired and writing until she moved to Dowling Park. I tried to keep her group going for a couple of years after that, but it eventually failed to flourish. She kept me interested in writing and encouraged me to self-publish.
Also in that group and still a friend is Thomas Fumea of Chiefland. His poetry is unlike any other, giving no place to grammar or punctuation. He has helped me learn to be myself and not try to write like anyone else. Although he was very reluctant at first, I have helped Tom self-publish two of his books of poetry.
Another local author I several years ago is Maureen Landress (mostly self-published under M. E. Landress) of Old Town. Maureen writes some beautiful poetry but has not yet decided to publish those. What she excels at is the cozy mystery genre. From her first book “One Bad Apple” to her last “Another Time”, she hooks you with the lovable, quirky characters and clever plots and you just have to keep reading. Maureen has been an inspiration to keep going because there’s always another idea, another way to look at things and another book inside you.
5. What does literary success look like to you?
I’ve known from the beginning that poetry is a hard sell. As a matter of fact, I, personally, feel that any genre is a hard sell to publishers these days unless you are somehow a famous personality or already have well-known published books.
That said, I am happy just to see my work in print, know that my friends and family love it, and have it out there on Amazon just in case someone else stumbles upon it and takes a chance. I don’t market my books. That can often be excessively expensive. When I get an opportunity such as this blog to advertise or let people know that we do have the local talent to read, I take it and hope that someone reading this may try one of my books and find it worthwhile reading. God bless you if you do!
6. Do you find writing as a kind of spiritual practice?
Yes, I do when I am writing about my faith and my God. My spirituality comes flowing out in my words, line after line. It is a time spent with God, working together to make a beautiful, meaningful poem.
7. What period of your life do you find you write about most often? (child, teenager, young adult)?
I’d say young adults all the way to senior citizens! Life never stops offering up situations, conversations, problems, joys, and sadness. Any day in your life…any hour in your life…anyone in your life may be the basis for the next poem.
8. Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
Yes! And don’t ask what they are!
9. How long on average does it take you to write a book?
Since I started self-publishing, and several books came in quick succession as I tried to present all that I wanted to share of past writings, I have slowed considerably and just don’t take the time to write like I used to. If it wasn’t for the Wednesday poetry prompts provided by Writer’s Digest online, I would probably be taking several years to write one book. But a fellow poet, George Smith of GA, kindly sends me the prompt each week to keep me going and sends me his wonderful poetry to read as well. Also, April and November bring daily poetry prompts from Writer’s Digest which adds to the yearly count and allows me to self-publish one book each year.