Some of you remember that loudly proclaimed question, “ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE!”. We use that phrase to fire people up and get them excited about jumping into the fray of whatever we want to accomplish that day. So, we ask all North Florida published writers, “ARE YOU READY” to jump into marketing yourself and your books in every place that will allow you to? Come on, you know you want to say, YES! I am ready to get out of this fog and put myself and my stories out there.
Here is what you do
Good, we are still looking to feature any North Florida published writer who is willing to type up a quick biography, select 5 or 6 questions from our questionnaire listing and answer those in a Word or Text document. Then record yourself in horizontal mode (Think YouTube, Facebook, and not TikTok [portrait mode]) answering one of those questions only. Upload the video and the Word or Text document to our secure servers folder on – we will send you a secure link to the upload folder. We will do all of the rest. You can check out our video help page for more information. We will email you once the article and video are complete with links to both of them so that you can share them on your website and social media pages.
Don’t forget to let us know your website and social media links. We may be able to find them online but to make sure we have them correct it is better you copy and paste the links into the document. We would also like a professional portrait picture of you to add to the article. Again, we may be able to find one online somewhere but one you have taken the time to get done would be better. We hope you have created your publicity page already. Just in case you haven’t please upload that photo. We will get pictures of your books to add to the article from wherever you sell them.
We hope you have fun creating the video and enjoy the article once it is complete and posted. Please direct message me on my Facebook page – if you have any questions.