JW Robitaille Alachua County Writer

4 min read

We are getting back into the groove of things featuring JW Robitaille an Alachua County Writer. I really love ready good mystery stories. Nothing gives me more pleasure than finding new mystery writers to read especially those with strong female characters. I am so excited to be featuring a member of the Writers Alliance of Gainesville whom I recently delivered a video presentation on book marketing. In return, those nice people have given me a year’s membership, a link, and profile on their member pages as well as a free copy of the yearly published book filled with new stories to read. They have a contest going for writers but you will have to read more about that on my Jolene’s Books and More website.

J W Robitaille Contact Information

Email: jwrobitaille@gmail.com
Website: https://jwrobitaille.com
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/jwrobitaille/
Amazon Profile Page: https: https://www.amazon.com/JW-Robitaille/e/B019LQI974
Goodreads Profile Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14787055.J_W_Robitaille


Cory Marin Detective Series
Romancing the Crime
Second Self
Spring of Fire

Literary Novels
The Dreamtime
Dooms of Love
Portrait of the Artist as a Wife and Mother

Trust Me: Voices From the South (short stories)


Coming soon…A young adult dystopia…Biztopia
Two Kings and a Queen – Prequel
Jason’s Journey – Book 1
The Campaign – Book 2


JW Robitaille writes the Cory Marin Mystery series, which features a strong female detective with a complicated love life and a diverse group of friends. In addition to writing, Julie enjoys painting, cooking, gardening, walking, house restoration, and travel. She lives in Gainesville, Florida, the setting of all her fiction. In addition to her Gainesville detective series, she writes literary fiction, short stories, screenplays, and is getting ready to launch a Young Adult dystopia series (think hopeful, think Parkland kids taking action).



Does writing energize or exhaust you?
Writing generally energizes me. I write early in the morning when I am most alert. There is nothing more exciting than opening my computer to work on building a world of characters and issues and conflicts. After four or five hours, I’m starting to flag, and then it’s time to turn to other tasks like gardening, cooking, and house projects.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
Write as much as you can as often as you can. Write stories that have a beginning, middle, and end. Give them to friends to read. Write more stories. Imagine fictional worlds and then build them.

What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?
Scrivener is a writing and formatting program that sells for around $50. It’s the best money I ever spent. The program helps me organize, write, and format my work. I don’t think I could write a novel without it now.

How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?
Publishing my first book helped me see that I could do it. There is nothing quite like holding a published book in your hand. Picturing my idea as a finished book with a cover image helps me believe I can make the idea a reality. Once I published my first book, there was no stopping me. I’ve published eight novels and am at work on a YA dystopian series that has five books (four of which are mostly written)


Note to Our Fellow Writers

If you would like to feature a published North Florida writer that has already passed away or one who is technically challenged that you would like to create a post and upload some pictures please check out our Posting page for more information.

jolenemac66 https://websandblogsforwriters.com

I am a retired medical office worker who sold everything, bought an old RV and began traveling around the state of Florida with her mother and youngest daughter. My mother has since passed and I work on my books, blogs and websites in the rural quiet of Suwannee County Florida.

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