Welcome, Yvonne Dye, a Christian and Fiction writer living in Lafayette County Florida. During our visit to the Writer’s Ink Group last week we were able to get three of the published writers to participate in our North Florida Writers Tour. Ms. Dye does not have much of an internet presence yet but does have a personal Facebook page and an email that her fans can contact her about her two published books with three others in the wings. Good luck with your writing and publishing journey.
email: claypotyld@icloud.com
Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yvonne.dye
I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida.
Compromise – July – 2016
Two Dirty Dogs – August 2019
Does writing energize or exhaust you?
Writing energizes me, as I write I’m inspired to keep going.
How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?
I have 3 books that I’m working on.
What kind of research do you do and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?
For my faith-based books, I research scripture by looking up my ‘word’ that the book is about. I get a notebook and write all the scriptures then I go to the computer and let God do the inspiring…
What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
Delores Walker and Jonnie Whittington. They have helped by listening, giving critique to my writing where needed.
Enjoy Yvonne’s Promo Video