We created this website to feature North Florida writers in featured articles with short videos to encourage more people in the North Florida area to support these published writers.
We tried to launch the tour in March 2020 and got a great response the first 30 days then Covid took over and things slowed down.
Now that we are in a New Year we hope to encourage more published writers to reach out and take advantage of this FREE advertising opportunity.
The main goal is to support current local writers, remember those who have passed, inform the public on what’s available in their area as well as increase book sales. This will, in time, encourage more local writers to publish their stories.
We are inviting other creators to participate as well. We have a book illustrator, editor, website designer, and other people who help writers get their stories to the public.
These articles are a great resource for people who would like to become published writers themselves. Please remember to Like, Share and Comment on every post to increase our readership and keep this thing going. Thanks so much.
Now Sponsored by Southern Dragon Publishing.