When we ask the question, “How Important Are Book Covers to Fiction Authors?” we get an overwhelming responss of VERY!. From various sources on the internet and book publishing business books and magazine we are constantly reminded that our book covers are really what entices readers to pick the book up in the first place.
“Build credibility and convey professionalism: As an independent author, establishing credibility is crucial. A polished, professional book cover design sends a clear message to readers that your book is of high quality and worth their time” – Enjoy an indepth article on the subject from WeareWhiteFox – Book Cover Design Company

From Our Friends at Writer’s Digest
Why We Care So Much About Covers
We writers seem to be prone to anxiety where our covers are concerned, due I think mainly to three factors:
1) As most of us are voracious readers who spend a lot of time in bookstores and libraries, we understand that books are, in fact, quite often judged by their covers.
2) For almost as many of us, a book with our name on the cover is not just an opportunity we’ve happened upon, but something we’ve been dreaming of for years, even most of our lives.

Got a Great Romance Cover – SHOW IT OFF
Now that you have a great book cover why not show it off. There are several organizations that hold Book Cover Contests at different times of the year. Check out it out on your favorite search engine. Locally, we have been following the First Coast Romance Writers organization in Jacksonville, Florida who recently start their first Romance Book Cover Contest called National Excellence in Romance Cover Contest (NERCC) – For only $10 per book cover you get entered into their contest in romance categories. They list your author website so people can find you and your books. The entrance for authors and book designers ends on
AUGUST 31, 2024
. The judging will begin in September. Check out the website for more information, join on the fun and find out more about the prizes being offered – https://NERCC.FirstCoastRomanceWriters.com
***UPDATE*** For their first year they are offering to allow books published in the last 10 years! – How Cool is That!!!
Southern Dragon Publishing Creates Book Covers
Jolene, our editor, website designer and book publishing service provider for all of Northeast Florida also creates book covers. She has help a few authors republish their backlist of books with new formatting and book covers and then social media posts like graphics and videos. She enjoys creating for all genres and has created non-fiction, romance fiction, suspense thriller fiction as well as historical fiction covers. Check out her website for more information. The three book covers above are just a sample of her work.
A Note from our Editor
We would encourage any North Florida Writers who would like to Guest Post on this site or be a featured author on the North Florida Writers Tour website then please get in touch using our CONTACT US form. Our site has an excellent monthly Newsletter that contains exclusive content. Join in on the fun! CLICK HERE! For those who wish to be a guest on Jolene’s Book and Writer’s Talk podcast visit the Southern Dragon Publishing Information page.
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