Man It is Slow

5 min read

Man it is slow. The North Florida Writers Tour blog needs more published authors to participate. We do not have anyone scheduled and I am still waiting to hear from family and friends of the deceases authors I wanted to feature on Wednesdays. I did get two new inquiries and I have one outstanding interview I am waiting on the author to finish the application and send it in as I already have his video. Just a couple of quick answers to some of the questions I have been getting.

  1. Marion County Florida published writers are included in the tour.

  2. Yes, the world is going to hell in a handbasket but people are still reading books to keep themselves entertained and if they cannot afford paperback copies of your book doesn’t mean you cannot lower the eBook version to half-price for the next several weeks just to get new readers interested. Come on people even $1 royalty is better than no royalties at all. Besides, they still count towards your total number of sales and with enough of them, you can buy groceries or maybe pay another bill.

  3. You can create your very own book trailers using simple software and Royalty Free pictures and video. If you want more quality service then pay for a month’s worth of Element Envato and get access to pictures, music, and short videos to create your own promos in Microsoft Powerpoint.

  4. This self-isolation stuff has got to end soon and then where will all your free time being stuck in the house go? That’s right, take advantage of this downtime and get some serious marketing done. You can create weekly blog posts months in advance; schedule Facebook Page posts up to 50 different times over the next couple of weeks right on your page menu; if you join Hootesuite using their Free account you can post 30 different tweets at time to be published every day, every other day or even once a week.

Alternatives and Suggestions

We have created a page with an online form that you can fill out and upload a picture for us to create a featured article if you do not want a promo video done. That is not a problem. Just go to the Submit to the Blog page, create an account, sign in, fill out the form and upload your latest picture and your featured article will be posted as soon as possible.

If you want a promotional video you will need to record yourself answering at least one of the questions on our application form. You can be in disguise if you like, you can even just record your voice answering the question using your phone’s voice recorder. You can email that file directly to us

The video file will be larger than what can be sent through email or text messaging unless you have a newer iPhone with a decent size hard drive. My granddaughter and I have sent each other one, two, and even three-minute videos through text messaging on our phones.

Otherwise, you will need to email me for the link to our account to gain access to my secure folder. It only takes a couple of minutes to find the email (Sometimes it ends up in your spam folder) click on the link inside, create your account and then you have instant access to the NorthFloridaWriters folder. Just click on the Upload a file bottom, find your video file and click okay. Once it has uploaded the program sends me an email to tell me there is a new file in the folder. I will download it to my computer and erase it out of the folder.

Yes, all the featured articles are very similar but the main difference is the questions that each author chooses to answer. YOU get the choice of which ones you will answer and that makes it very special.

Featuring Old Articles on Our Social Media and Sharing

We are not charging any author for this service and we encourage each of them to be distinctive in the recording of their stories. There is nothing that says you cannot dress up in your favorite character’s costume to answer the question. The only thing we ask is that you introduce yourself, say which question you are answering and answer it in 30 to 60 seconds. You will need to be in a fairly sunny space with no shadows on your face and little to no noise while recording. We will not be filtering out noise.

We will be resharing all of our posts when we can, like now when it is quiet, and we ask that every single participating author also share, like and comment about their own featured article and at least 5 of their fellow writers. As you come across all other North Florida Writers we hope you will Like and Follow their Facebook page, Follow them on Twitter, Subscribe to their YouTube Channel and comment on their videos. This self-marketing thing will only work if we all join in on the fun. Please take 15 to 20 minutes each morning while you are trying to wake up, drinking your coffee and before you jump into your day and help out your fellow writers in our area.

Thanks and looking forward to hearing from all of you really soon.

Man It is Slow


I am a retired medical office worker who sold everything, bought an old RV and began traveling around the state of Florida with her mother and youngest daughter. My mother has since passed and I work on my books, blogs and websites in the rural quiet of Suwannee County Florida.

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