Kassandra Lamb – Alachua County Writer

4 min read

Kassandra Lamb – Mystery Writer

There are a wide variety of writers in and around the north Florida area and a few of them even write under a pen name. Even fewer write under two different names. One of those is Kassandra Lamb. She writes mysteries as herself and steamy romances as her counterpart which we have already featured on the tour. Ms. Lamb is rather shy about appearing on video so we decided to help her out and create a book promo video of her latest book instead. See that below.

Brief Bio

In her youth, Kassandra Lamb had two great passions—psychology and writing. Advised that writers need day jobs—and being partial to eating—she studied psychology. Her career as a psychotherapist and college professor taught her much about the dark side of human nature, but also much about resilience, perseverance, and the healing power of laughter. Now retired, she spends most of her time in an alternate universe populated by her fictional characters. The portal to this universe (aka her computer) is located in North Central Florida where her husband and dog catch occasional glimpses of her.

Contact the Writer

WEBSITE: https://kassandralamb.com
BLOG: https://misteriopress.com
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KassandraLamb
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/kassandralambauthor
BOOKBUB PROFILE: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/kassandra-lamb
AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE: http://www.amazon.com/Kassandra-Lamb/e/B006NB5WAI/
PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/kassandralamb/
YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWausQ6xKXJOt4F8rKE-IXw

Books by the Author

Kate Huntington Mystery

Multiple Motives
Ill-Timed Entanglements
Family Fallacies
Celebrity Status
Collateral Casualties
Zero Hero
Fatal Forty-Eight
Suicidal Suspicions
Anxiety Attack
Police Protection

Kate on Vacation Mystery Series

An Unsaintly Season in St. Augustine
Cruel Capers on the Caribbean
Ten-Gallon Tensions in Texas
Missing on Maui

Marcia Banks and Buddy Cozy Mystery Series

To Kill a Labrador
Arsenic and Young Lacy
The Call of the Woof
A Mayfair Christmas Carol
Patches in the Rye
The Legend of Sleepy Mayfair
The Sound and the Furry
A Star-Spangled Mayfair
Lord of the Fleas

Author Interview

What would you like to add to your background information that you haven’t listed on your website that up-and-coming writers and your fans might find fun, useful, or even inspiring to know?

I’ve actually had four careers in my life, and they were all related to psychology. The one I don’t often talk about is the first one. I started out in Human Resources, only we called it Personnel back then while going to graduate school at night. Then I was a mental health counselor and a psychology professor. And now I’m an author, writing stories with psychological themes.

Who are your favorite writers, why?

Two things always come to mind when I’m asked that question. Immediately, Laura Ingalls Wilder pops into my head. She was my idol as a kid. And reading her Little House on the Prairie series probably planted the seed in my brain that I too could be a writer someday.

But when I try to pick a favorite author as an adult, I really can’t. There are so many great ones, and I’m discovering more indie authors every week who are really good.

What hobbies or activities do you enjoy doing to relax and unwind after your writing sessions?

Reading and binge-watching my favorite TV dramas are high on the list. But I also do jigsaw puzzles online. I love puzzles! I guess that’s why I’m a mystery writer. I love figuring out how the pieces fit together.

What do you consider your most effective marketing tool or strategy that helps you sell more books?

By far, writing series and then making Book 1 a loss leader, either at 99 cents or free. Both my debut novel, Multiple Motives, and the first book in my second series, To Kill A Labrador are free. Then I promote those first-in-series to get readers to “take a taste” of my writing to see if it suits them.

Promotional Video for Kassandra’s Books and Latest Published One

Note to Our Fellow Writers

If you would like to feature a published North Florida writer that has already passed away or one who is technically challenged that you would like to create a post and upload some pictures please check out our Posting page for more information.

jolenemac66 https://websandblogsforwriters.com

I am a retired medical office worker who sold everything, bought an old RV and began traveling around the state of Florida with her mother and youngest daughter. My mother has since passed and I work on my books, blogs and websites in the rural quiet of Suwannee County Florida.

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